We are a Green Sanctuary—Now What?

As we stated last month, the Unitarian Universalists of the Blue Ridge has been accredited as a Green Sanctuary congregation by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). So, now what do we do?

Unitarian Universalists are asked to put their faith into action, including addressing the climate crisis. Here are campaigns in the Green Sanctuary 2030 process, which all UU Congregations are encouraged to work toward whether they seek reaccreditation or not. The Green Sanctuary orientation can be seen here

  1. MITIGATION: Reducing and offsetting the carbon footprint of the congregation, our homes, and our communities.
    • Reducing vulnerabilities to the harmful effects of climate change.
    • Making the most of potentially beneficial opportunities associated with positive responses to the crisis. 
    • Making the most of potentially beneficial opportunities associated with positive responses to the crisis. 
  3. CLIMATE JUSTICE, which is Intersectional, inclusive, and mutual.
    • Working with frontline communities who are impacted first and worst by climate change and face systemic oppression
    • Working directly and collaboratively, to avoid aid-based charity and paternalism: “Solidarity, not Charity.”

We look forward to UUBRidge members holding conversations and exploring ideas and actions as we all look for ways to address these vital issues. See Climate and Environmental Justice for more information from the UUA.



